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Saint Anthony and the Boiled Baby

After 1195 A.D.

In Padua, Italy, after his mother briefly stepped out of the kitchen, a 1 year old boy named Tommy fell into a pot of boiling water and died. His mother found him and and her screams roused the whole neighborhood, causing a crowd, including some friars from the nearby Basilica, to gather at the house. Seeing the friars, his mother was reminded of the miracles done by Saint Anthony, and began to pray loudly for his intercession. She made a promise that if her son's life was restored, she would give the child’s weight in grain to the poor so that they could make bread. Through the intercession of Saint Anthony, the boy was suddenly brought back to life, as if he was awakened from a deep sleep. The mother was true to her word, and so began the tradition of giving alms to the poor in Saint Anthony’s name.

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