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Saint Anthony and the Re-attached Foot

Between 1195 A.D. - 1231 A.D.

In the city of Padua, Italy, a young man named Leonardo, went to Father (now Saint) Anthony of Padua to make his confession. While confessing his sins to Father Anthony, Leonardo confessed that he had kicked his mother, causing her to suffer from a nasty fall. Father Anthony made a reference to the verse, Matthew 5:30, saying, "The foot that strikes father or mother deserved to be cut off." Leonardo, not understanding that Father Anthony did not mean this literally, returned home, and chopped off his foot with a hatchet. After hearing of the news, Father Anthony went to the young man's home, prayed over him, and while holding the severed foot close to Leonardo's leg, made the sign of the cross. The foot instantly became re-attached to his leg, and Leonardo jumped up, praised the Lord, and gave thanks to Father Anthony.

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