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Prophecy To Father James Blount About Donald Trump

Before June 16th, 2015 A.D.

In Corpus Christi, Texas, while reading in the break room in the rectory of a parish, the Lord told Father James Blount to turn on the television in the room. Father Blount turned on the television and a news station came on where an interview happening. The person being interviewed was an American businessman named Donald Trump (who Father Blount had heard of, but had never heard speak). Father Blount was not directed to change the channel, so he sat and listened to the interview that was happening. While listening to the interview, God showed Father Blount 3 things:

  1. Donald Trump has common sense and he understands the man on the street.

  2. Donald Trump has patriotism and loves his country.

  3. Donald Trump is open to God and the Holy Spirit could use him.

Suddenly, the presence of God came into the room and over Father Blount. Then, Father Blount saw a hand point to the television and heard a voice say "This is the man I have chosen to be your president."

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