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  • Saint Anthony and the Speaking Infant

    After 1195 A.D. There was a nobleman who was very jealous of his wife despite, having no reason to doubt of her love and fidelity. When his wife had their first child, he refused to recognize the baby as his own, as he believed that the child was the fruit of his wife’s infidelity. The woman tried to assure her husband that she had not been with another man, but he did not believe her, and he continued to reject his infant son. In her desperation, his wife went to Father (now Saint) Anthony for help. Anthony then talked to the nobleman for many hours, eventually succeeding in making the nobleman see the absurdity behind his jealousy. Then, a nurse brought his infant child into the room and his old state of mind instantly returned. Anthony turned to the child and said, "In the name of Jesus Christ, speak and tell who your father is!" The infant pointed to the nobleman, and, in a voice of a child years older, the infant said, "There is my father!" The father then broke down in tears and took the child in his arms. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony and the Violent Husband

    After 1195 A.D. In Tuscany, Italy, there was a noble and wealthy knight who had a short temper and easily gave way to outbursts of anger. One day, his wife provoked his short temper, and he was overcome with rage. He beat her, dragged her throughout the house by her hair, and then stabbed her, leaving her on the brink of death. Shortly after, the knight began to regret what he had done, and he ran to Father (now Saint) Anthony, who was living in the Tuscany at the time. The man begged Father Anthony fervently to help save his wife. Father Anthony and the knight rushed back to the house, and Anthony knelt down, asking God to give the dying woman life and health. After Anthony had prayed over her, she arose and was well again. Learn More: Articles:

  • The Liberation of Padua

    Circa 1254 - 1256 A.D. A few years after St. Anthony’s death, the cruel, feudal lord, Ezzelino, began to extend his dominion to each of the main cities in the Veneto Region. Shortly after, in 1254, Pope Innocent IV excommunicated him and launched a crusade against him. The people of Padua prayed for St. Anthony's intercession so that the pope's army would be successful in freeing the city of Ezzelino's tyranny. St. Anthony appeared to two Franciscan friars and told them that the liberation of Padua from Ezzelino's tyranny was imminent. In 1256, Ezzelino’s troops were driven out from Padua, and the citizens were freed. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes

    Between 1195 A.D. - 1231 A.D. During his travels through Rimini, Italy, where there were a lot of heretics, (now Saint) Anthony of Padua started to preach, but the people there did not want to listen to him, and they even mocked him. Anthony then went to the seashore, saying to the people, "Because you show yourself unworthy of God’s word, behold, I turn to the fishes so that your unbelief may be shown up more clearly." While he was speaking about how God cared for the creatures of the water, a school of fish swam towards him, partly sticking their heads out of the water (as if to listen to him speaking). Many onlookers began to cry, asking for forgiveness, and many tried to implore others to come and see the miracle. At the end of his sermon, Anthony blessed the fish and they swam away. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony and the Unbreaking Glass

    After 1195 A.D. In Padua, Italy, a knight named Aleardino da Salvaterra (who had despised Catholics), was dining, when his table-mates started to tell him about the many miracles performed by Saint Anthony of Padua. Aleardino then emptied the contents of his glass and said to his table-mates, "If he whom you consider to be a saint will prevent this glass from breaking when it hits the ground I will believe everything you are telling me about him." He then threw the glass to the floor as hard as he could, and not only did the glass not break, but the hard tiles on which it fell, broke. Aleardino was amazed at this phenomenon and converted to Catholicism. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony and the Spring of Water

    After 1195 A.D. A group of religious brothers asked Saint Anthony to help find fresh water near their monastery. Anthony began to pray, and immediately a fresh water spring opened up at his feet. People came to draw water from this spring, and many healings occurred. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony Bilocates During a Sermon

    After 1195 A.D. At St. Pierre-du-Queyraix Church in Limoges, France, during his sermon on Easter Sunday, Saint Anthony remembered that he had been appointed to chant the Aleluia at Mass in the local friary, and that he had forgotten to arrange for someone to take his place. Anthony paused during his sermon, with the congregation believing that Anthony was simply gathering his thoughts, but what they did not know, was during that pause, Anthony had appeared in the convent choir to fulfill his assignment. A few moments later, Anthony continued giving his sermon as if nothing had happened. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony and the Disappearing List of Sins

    After 1195 A.D. While Father Anthony was hearing confessions, one penitent found that when he knelt at the feet of the priest, his heart was filled with so much sorrow that he could not speak, and was unable to confess his sins. Father Anthony told the man, “Go home, write your sins on a piece of paper, then bring the paper back to me.” The man did as Father Anthony instructed, and when he returned, Father Anthony had the man read the list to him. The penitent started to read his list, and as he told each sin, the name of the sin disappeared from the paper, until the paper was blank. Learn More: Articles:

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