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44 items found for ""

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Amsterdam

    March 12th, 1345 A.D. & May 24th, 1452 In Amsterdam, Netherlands, a fisherman named Ysbrand Dommer, summoned a priest to his home to administer Holy Communion and the last rites of the Church, believing he was nearing the end of his life. Shortly after the priest had left, Ysbrand began coughing violently, and vomited into a small basin, whose contents were thrown into the flames of the fireplace. The next day, Ysbrand was completely restored to health. One of the maids that was caring for him, while tending to the fire, noticed an intact Host with light emanating from it. The Host was recovered and brought to the parish priest, who placed it in the tabernacle. The following morning, the priest discovered that the Host was missing, and it was soon discovered again at Ysbrand's home. The priest returned to Ysbrand's home on three occasions to recover the Host that had been miraculously been re-appearing there, before it was decided that Ysbrand's home would be turned into a chapel. Over a century later, the chapel was destroyed by a fire, but the monstrance containing the miraculous Host remained intact. Learn More: Articles:,%201345

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Offida

    1273-1280 A.D. In the town of Lanciano, Italy, at the instruction of a sorceress, a woman named Ricciarella Stasio removed a consecrated Host from her church, with the intention to burn it and put the ashes into the the food or drink of her husband, as love potion, in an attempt to improve her troubled marriage. When the woman got home, she placed the Host in a jar over a fire, but instead of turning into ashes, the Host turned into a piece of bloody flesh. Horrified at what was taking place, Ricciarella wrapped the bloody Host in a cloth, and buried it under the manure in her husband’s stable. Strange events began to take place inside the stable. Every time that her husband's donkey entered the stable, it would genuflect toward the place where the miraculous Host was buried, and her husband began to think that his wife had put a spell on the animal. For seven years the Host remained buried under the manure in the stable, and Ricciarella was tormented with remorse for her sin. Finally, she decided to confess her sacrilege to the prior of the Augustinian priory in Lanciano, Giacomo Diotallevi, who accompanied her back to her home to retrieve anything that may remain of the Host. They went into the stable and dug up the cloth, where they discovered the bloody Host, which had remained incorrupt over the years. A cross-shaped reliquary was made to contain the Host. When the craftsman grabbed the pyx containing the miraculous Host, in order to affix it to the reliquary, he was struck with a sudden fever. The man exclaimed, "What have you brought me, Oh my Brother?". The religious who were present, asked the man if he was in mortal sin, and the man said "Yes". The man made his confession to a priest and, the fever left him. Learn More:,%201273-1280

  • Father James Blount Shown The Antichrist

    Before March 10th, 2023 A.D. The Lord took Father James Blount in the spirit to the Antichrist: "The Lord brought me one day, prophetically, in my spirit, to the Antichrist... I was brought to him... He looked at me, I looked at him. He's a world leader, alive right now. God brought me to him mysteriously, in his office. He didn't know how I got there, nor did I... As he [was] looking at me, and I [was] watching him, two horns c[a]me out of his head. I can't reveal his name right now, but you'll know soon enough. He looked at me and I looked at him and he was totally confused... he was trying to figure me out... and he was almost scared. He was trying to figure me out and I just calmly stood there and looked at him. I wasn't afraid at all, because Saint Paul says in your Bible, that the man of the flesh cannot understand the man of the Spirit, but the man of the Spirit can see through the man of the flesh." - Father James Blount Learn More: (earliest dated source found)

  • Prophecy To Father James Blount About Donald Trump

    Before June 16th, 2015 A.D. In Corpus Christi, Texas, while reading in the break room in the rectory of a parish, the Lord told Father James Blount to turn on the television in the room. Father Blount turned on the television and a news station came on where an interview happening. The person being interviewed was an American businessman named Donald Trump (who Father Blount had heard of, but had never heard speak). Father Blount was not directed to change the channel, so he sat and listened to the interview that was happening. While listening to the interview, God showed Father Blount 3 things: Donald Trump has common sense and he understands the man on the street. Donald Trump has patriotism and loves his country. Donald Trump is open to God and the Holy Spirit could use him. Suddenly, the presence of God came into the room and over Father Blount. Then, Father Blount saw a hand point to the television and heard a voice say "This is the man I have chosen to be your president." Learn More:

  • Mary's Fourth Apparition to Sister Catherine Labourè

    December 1830 During a time of prayer, Catherine (for a third time) heard a sound "like the rustling of a silk dress", this time behind the altar [1]. The Blessed Virgin appeared behind the tabernacle and confirmed the mission for Sister Catherine [1]. She said to Sister Catherine, "You will not see me anymore." [2]. That was the end of the appearances [2]. Learn More: Articles:

  • Mary's Second & Third Apparitions to Sister Catherine Labourè

    November 27th, 1830 A.D. Sister Catherine Labourè went to the Chapel with the other Sisters for an evening meditation, where she again heard a sound "like the rustling of a silk dress" [1]. Raising her eyes to the main altar, she saw a tableaux vivant (living picture) of Mary, standing on a half-globe of the earth, with her feet crushing the serpent, and holding in her hand, a small, golden globe, surmounted by a cross, which she raised to the sky [1] [2]. The Blessed Virgin said to her, "This ball represents the whole world, France and each person in particular" [2]. The tableaux vivant faded out and a second one faded in [2]. In the second one (which is often referred to as a the third apparition to Catherine Labourè), out the Blessed Virgin's outstretched open hands (whose fingers carried jeweled rings), rays of light emanated [2]. Mary said to her, "These rays are the symbol of the graces that I spread on people who ask me for them" [2]. Then, an oval formed around the image, and Catherine saw a semi-circle of gold letters which read, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you" [2]. Mary said to Sister Catherine, "Have a Medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence." [1]. Then, the image turned around (to the reverse side of the medal) and Sister Catherine saw (at the top) a cross surmounting the initial of Mary and (at the bottom) two hearts, one crowned with thorns, the other pierced with a sword [2]. Learn More: Articles:

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Brentwood

    October 13th-14th, 2023 A.D. At Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood, California, during a retreat on Mary and the Eucharist, the image of the Blessed Mother appeared in the Eucharist. Photograph by sacristan at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Learn More:

  • The Incorrupt Body of Saint Vincent de Paul

    1712 A.D. 53 years after his death, the body of Saint Vincent de Paul was exhumed, and it was discovered that his body was preserved from decomposition aside from his eyes and nose. His body was exhumed again in 1737, and it was found to have decomposed due to an underground flood. His heart and bones however, have remained free from decay. His bones have been encased in a waxen figure which now rests in a glass coffin in the St. Vincent de Paul Chapel in Paris, France. His heart is displayed in a reliquary in the chapel of the motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity in Paris, France. Learn More: Articles:

  • The Incorrupt Body of Saint Catherine Labouré

    1933 A.D. 57 years after her death, the body of Saint Catherine Labouré was exhumed, and it was discovered that her body was preserved from decomposition. Her body now rests in a glass coffin at the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, in Paris, France, free from decay. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony and the Miser's Heart

    After 1195 A.D. In Tuscany, Italy, Father (now Saint) Anthony was attending the funeral of a rich man. Moved by the Holy Spirit, Father Anthony said, “The dead man should not be buried in a holy place, but outside the city walls, like a dog, since his soul is damned to hell and he does not have a heart in his body, for in the words attributed to the Lord by the holy evangelist Luke, ‘Where his treasure is, there also is his heart.'” [1]. Later, the dead man's chest was opened up, and no heart was found. When the family had opened up the dead man's treasure chest, they had discovered that his heart was inside. Then, instead of being buried in the grand mausoleum that the rich man had prepared for himself, he was "dragged to the countryside and buried like an ass." [1]. Learn More: “Sancti Antonii Confessoris de Padua vita” by Sicco Polenton

  • Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Heals Blind Boy

    Between c. 1090 – August 20, 1153 A.D. Saint Bernard laid his hands over a boy that had never opened his eyelids and was blind from birth, said a short prayer, and the boy was healed. Learn More:

  • Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Heals a Paralyzed Arm

    Between c. 1090 – August 20, 1153 A.D. St. Bernard blessed a young boy, that was suffering from a paralyzed arm and withering hand, with the sign of the cross and the boy was healed. Learn More:

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