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44 items found for ""

  • Bibles Untouched by West Virginia Church Fire

    March 3rd, 2019 A.D. At the Freedom Ministries Church in Grandview, West Virginia, the Coal City Fire Department discovered that nearly two dozen Bibles were untouched by the flames, along with three crosses, after a massive fire nearly destroyed the church. Learn More:

  • Bible Untouched by Alabama Home Fire

    January 8th, 2019 A.D. In Bon Secour, Alabama, a home caught on fire while the family was at church. The Bon Secour Fire Department discovered that a family Bible was untouched by the flames, despite the fire destroying all of the other belongings of the family. Learn More:

  • Padre Pio Bilocates And Sees The Blessed Mother

    January 18th, 1905 A.D. At the Capuchin monastery of St. Elia a Pianisi, in the province of Campobasso, Italy, Padre Pio, a seminarian at the time, was praying in the choir of the chapel and suddenly found himself in the palace of a wealthy family in the city of Udine, Italy at the same time. The Blessed Mother appeared to Brother Pio at the palace and told him that she was entrusting the unborn child of the palace owner, to his care and protection. Learn More:

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Zapotlanejo

    July 22nd, 2022 A.D. During a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Our Lady of the Rosary parish in the town of Zapotlanejo, Mexico, the Holy Eucharist was captured on video, beating like a heart. Learn More: Articles: Videos:

  • The Ecstasy and Levitations of Saint Joseph of Cupertino

    Between June 17th, 1603 and September 18th, 1663 As a child, Saint Joseph of Cupertino began to experience ecstatic visions which continued throughout his life. After becoming a Catholic priest on March 28th, 1628, Joseph began to experience ecstatic visions more frequently and with more intensity. At certain points during mass, or throughout his days, Joseph would become so affected by the Holy Spirit, that he would enter into a state of ecstasy and begin to levitate. 70 instances of levitation, along with 150 eyewitness testimonies were recorded in his official beatification and canonization process. Image from Sources:

  • Recurring liquification of Saint Januarius's blood

    August 17th, 1389 A.D. - Present Saint Januarius's (San Gennaro's) normally solidified blood, which is kept at the Naples Cathedral in Naples, Italy, has typically liquified 2-3 times a year, every year, since August 17th, 1389 (the first recorded occurrence). The blood most commonly liquifies on the following dates: The first Sunday of May (the feast of the transfer of his relics), September 19th (the anniversary of his martyrdom), and December 16th (the anniversary of the 1631 eruption of the nearby Mt. Vesuvius). Many believe that when the blood liquefies, it is a good sign for Naples, but if the blood fails to liquefy, it is a sign of an impending disaster or tragedy (as its failure to liquify has coincided several times with disasters and tragedies). According to tradition, after the martyrdom of Saint Januarius, some of his blood was collected with a sponge, and was put into two ampoules (small vials) by a pious Christian woman by the name of Eusebia (The blood shed by Christian martyrs is considered to be a relic, and is often collected and kept for veneration). Since the 17th century, the blood has been stored in two hermetically sealed ampoules, in a silver reliquary, between two round glass plates. Learn More: Articles: Videos: Recent Articles (Not Exhaustive): September 19th, 2023 Liquified December 16th, 2022 Liquified September 19th, 2022 Liquified April 30th, 2022 Liquified December 16th, 2021 Liquified September 19th, 2021 Liquified May 2nd, 2021 Liquified December 16th, 2020 Failed to liquify September 19th, 2020 Liquified May 2nd, 2020 Liquified September 19th, 2019 Liquified November 18th, 2018 Liquified September 19th, 2018 Liquified September 19th, 2017 Liquified December 16th, 2016 Failed to liquefy September 19th, 2016 Liquified March 21st, 2015 Liquified September 19th, 2014 Liquified September 19th, 2013 Liquified September 19th, 2012 Liquified September 19th, 2009 Liquified May 4th, 2008 Liquified September 19th, 2007 Liquified September 19th, 2006 Liquified September 19th, 2001 Liquified September 19th, 1998 Liquified

  • Saint Anthony and the Drowned Girl

    After 1195 A.D. In Padua, Italy, a young girl named Eurilia fell into a pond and drowned. After a while, her mother found her and cried out to Saint Anthony, asking him to pray to Jesus to save her daughter. A short time later, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, Eurilia began to throw out the water she had swallowed, and regained her warmth, coming back to life. Learn More: Articles:

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Thomaston

    March 5th, 2023 A.D. At St. Thomas Catholic Church in Thomaston, Connecticut, a eucharistic minister was running out of hosts and glanced around to find more, but when they looked back down, more hosts had appeared in the ciborium. By the time that Communion was over, there appeared to be either just as many, or even more hosts inside the ciborium, than there had been at the beginning of the Mass. Photograph from Learn More:

  • Saint Anthony and the Boiled Baby

    After 1195 A.D. In Padua, Italy, after his mother briefly stepped out of the kitchen, a 1 year old boy named Tommy fell into a pot of boiling water and died. His mother found him and and her screams roused the whole neighborhood, causing a crowd, including some friars from the nearby Basilica, to gather at the house. Seeing the friars, his mother was reminded of the miracles done by Saint Anthony, and began to pray loudly for his intercession. She made a promise that if her son's life was restored, she would give the child’s weight in grain to the poor so that they could make bread. Through the intercession of Saint Anthony, the boy was suddenly brought back to life, as if he was awakened from a deep sleep. The mother was true to her word, and so began the tradition of giving alms to the poor in Saint Anthony’s name. Learn More: Articles:

  • Mary's First Apparition to Sister Catherine Labourè

    July 18th, 1830 A.D. On the eve of the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, the Sister Superior of the Daughters of Charity motherhouse in Paris, France, spoke to the novices about the virtues of their Holy Founder (Saint Vincent de Paul) and gave each of them a piece of cloth from his surplice (liturgical vestment) [1]. Sister (now Saint) Catherine Labourè prayed to him, asking that through his intercession, she might see the Blessed Mother [1]. Later that night, Catherine was awakened after she heard herself being called by name [2]. A mysterious child emanating with light, stood at the foot of her bed and said "Sister Labouré, come to the chapel. The Blessed Virgin awaits you" [1]. The child led Catherine to the chapel and the locked chapel door swung open at the angel's touch [1]. Catherine found the Chapel ablaze with light as if it was prepared for a midnight Mass [1]. She quickly knelt at the communion rail, and suddenly, she heard a sound "like the rustling of a silk dress" [1]. The child said to her, "Here is the Blessed Virgin", but she hesitated [2]. The child repeated in a louder voice: “Here is the Blessed Virgin." and Catherine rushed to the feet of the Blessed Virgin, who was sitting in an armchair [2]. The Blessed Virgin said to Sister Catherine, "God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be contradicted, but do not fear; you will have the grace to do what is necessary. Tell your spiritual director all that passes within you. Times are evil in France and in the world." [1]. A pain crossed the Blessed Virgin's face [1]. She pointed with her hand to the altar where the tabernacle rested and said, “Come to the foot of this altar. There, graces will be poured out on all those who ask for them with confidence and fervor." [2]. Catherine was given the mission to spread this promise of God and Mary to the world, and was asked to establish a Confraternity of the Children of Mary (which was accomplished by Catherine’s spiritual director, Father John Mary Aladel, C.M. on February 2, 1840) [2]. Then after speaking for some time, the Blessed Virgin like a fading shadow, was gone [1]. Learn More: Articles:

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe

    December 9th, 1531 A.D. - December 12th, 1531 A.D. 1st Apparition: When: December 9th, 1531 Where: Tepeyac Hill, Mexico What: Mary, mother of Jesus, appeared to a man named Juan Diego and instructed him to go to the Bishop and request that a chapel be built in her honor on Tepeyac Hill, in order for her to show and share her love and compassion with all those who believe. 2nd Apparition: When: December 9th, 1531 Where: Tepeyac Hill, Mexico What: Juan Diego went to the Bishop and told him what had happened, requesting that a chapel be built in honor of the Blessed Mother on Tepeyac Hill, but he was met with hesitation by the Bishop. On his return home, the Blessed Mother appeared to him again, and disappointed that he had failed in his mission, Juan Diego asked Mary to send a more esteemed messenger to the Bishop, so that he would believe the message. She then instructed Juan Diego to return to the Bishop with her request. 3rd Apparition: When: December 10th, 1531 Where: Tepeyac Hill, Mexico What: Juan Diego went to the Bishop again with her request, and the Bishop asked Juan Diego for a sign so that he might believe the Blessed Mother’s request. On his return home, Mary appeared to Juan Diego again, and he told her of the Bishop’s request for a sign. She told Juan Diego to come back to meet her the next day, and promised to provide a sign for the Bishop upon his return. ​ 4th Apparition: When: December 12th, 1531 Where: Tepeyac Hill, Mexico What: Juan Diego missed his appointment to meet with the Blessed Mother on December 11th, as he was looking after his uncle, Juan Bernardino, who was gravely ill. On December 12th, he went out to find a priest to administer the sacraments to his uncle who was dying. Embarrassed that he had missed the appointment with the Blessed Mother, and not wanting to be delayed in seeking spiritual help for his uncle, he took a different route in order to avoid another encounter with the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother appeared to him on his journey, assured him that his uncle had been cured, and instructed him to climb to the top of the hill and gather flowers as a sign to take to the Bishop. Although it was winter and nothing should have been in bloom, Juan Diego trusted her, and climbed to the top of the frozen and barren hill to find exotic flowers growing. He gathered the flowers, and the Blessed Mother arranged them in his tilma (cloak). Juan Diego then went to the Bishop, to show him the sign that the Blessed Mother had given him. When he presented the tilma of exotic flowers to the Bishop, the flowers fell out and he recognised them as Castilian roses, which are not found in Mexico. However, it was not the flowers that drew the attention of the Bishop, but rather, Juan Diego's tilma, on which a colorful image of the Blessed Mother had been miraculously imprinted. The Bishop immediately understood that Juan Diego’s message from the Blessed Mother was true, and ordered to have a shrine built on Tepeyac Hill. 5th Apparition: When: December 12th, 1531 Where: Juan Diego's Home, Mexico What: While Juan Diego was gone (in search of a priest to administer the sacraments to his uncle) Juan Bernardino, felt as though he was about to die, when suddenly the room was filled with light and the Blessed Mother appeared to him and cured him of his illness. He immediately felt that his body was healed, and fell to his knees before the Blessed Mother. She told him that she had met Juan Diego and sent him to the Bishop with her sacred image imprinted on his tilma. Learn More: Primary Source Documents: Articles: Videos:

  • Saint Anthony and the Revived Man

    Between 1195 A.D. - 1231 A.D. In Lisbon, Portugal, (the city where Saint Anthony of Padua was born), Anthony's father, Martin, was wrongfully accused of murder, after a corpse had been found, buried in his garden. Anthony was living in Padua at the time (which is approximately 1,200 miles from Lisbon), but after God revealed to Anthony the situation that his father was in, he immediately went (through divine intervention) to Lisbon in a couple of hours. In the court room, Anthony asked that the corpse be brought in immediately. When the corpse was brought in, Anthony asked the corpse to tell him, who had killed him. The man was revived, instantly sat up, said the name of his murderer, and attested the innocence of Anthony's father. Then, the man turned to Anthony, asked for his sins to be absolved, and returned to death. The next day, (through divine intervention) Anthony was back in Padua. Learn More: Articles:

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