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44 items found for ""

  • Saint Anthony and the Re-attached Foot

    Between 1195 A.D. - 1231 A.D. In the city of Padua, Italy, a young man named Leonardo, went to Father (now Saint) Anthony of Padua to make his confession. While confessing his sins to Father Anthony, Leonardo confessed that he had kicked his mother, causing her to suffer from a nasty fall. Father Anthony made a reference to the verse, Matthew 5:30, saying, "The foot that strikes father or mother deserved to be cut off." Leonardo, not understanding that Father Anthony did not mean this literally, returned home, and chopped off his foot with a hatchet. After hearing of the news, Father Anthony went to the young man's home, prayed over him, and while holding the severed foot close to Leonardo's leg, made the sign of the cross. The foot instantly became re-attached to his leg, and Leonardo jumped up, praised the Lord, and gave thanks to Father Anthony. Learn More: Articles:

  • Saint Anthony and the Drowned Boy

    After 1195 A.D. In Lisbon, Portugal, after a boy named Parrisio drowned from a boating accident, his mother, refusing to allow the family to take his body to the church for his funeral and burial, prayed to Saint Anthony, promising that if her son's life was restored, she would consecrate him to the Franciscan Order. On the third day, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, the boy was suddenly brought back to life, as if he was awakened from a deep sleep. The mother was true to her word, and when Parrisio became older, he entered the Franciscan Order. Learn More: Articles:

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires

    August 26th, 1996 A.D. 11 days after a consecrated host fell on the ground and was placed into water, it was discovered that the host had turned to flesh. Photograph of the host-turned-flesh. Learn more: Articles:,%201992-1994-1996 Videos:

  • The Incorrupt Body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous

    September 22nd, 1909 A.D. 30 years after her death, the body of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes was exhumed, and it was discovered that her body was preserved from decomposition. Her body was exhumed again in 1919, and once more in 1925, and now rests in a glass coffin at the St. Gildard Convent in Nevers, France, free from decay. Learn More: Articles:

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Fiecht

    1310 A.D. During a Mass in the little town of Fiecht, Austria, the priest was overtaken with thoughts questioning the Real Presence of Jesus in the consecrated host and wine. Right after the consecration, the wine physically transformed into blood and began to boil and overflow the chalice. The priest was terrified and was unable to drink all the Holy Blood, so the abbot placed the remainder in a vessel in the tabernacle. The blood is preserved and remains on display in a reliquary at the Monastery of the St. Georgenberg Abbey. Learn More: Articles:,%201310

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Rimini

    1227 A.D. In Rimini, Italy, at the Grand Piazza (today the Three Martyrs Piazza), (now Saint) Anthony of Padua, with his theological arguments, was failing to convince a faithless heretic named Bononillo of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Bononillo made a wager with Anthony, that if Bononillo returned to the Grand Piazza three days later, putting his hungry mule in the presence of both the Eucharist and some food, and the mule showed reverence to the Eucharist, ignoring the food, then Bononillo would convert to Catholicism. Three days later, they returned to the Grand Piazza, and put Bononillo's mule in the presence of both the Eucharist and some food, but the mule refused the food, approached the priest, bent its front legs before the Eucharist, and paused there in reverence, until Anthony told it to stand up. Bononillo honored his word, and converted to Catholicism, along with several others who had shared in his beliefs. Learn More: Articles:,%201227

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Seefeld

    March 25th, 1384 A.D. On Holy Thursday (and simultaneously the Feast of the Annunciation) in the small village of Seefeld, Austria, a knight named Oswald Müsler attended Mass at St. Oswald church [1]. "Müsler was infamous for unjustly imprisoning those travelling through his lands and extorting money from them; those who could not pay would be left to rot away and die." [1]. During Mass, Müsler demanded that the local priest give him the large Host, which is typically reserved for the priests, and instead of kneeling (which was the standard way of receiving the Eucharist at the time), demanded that the Host be given to him while standing [1]. Immediately upon receiving communion however, Müsler sank to his knees as the stone floor under his feet began to tremble, and he felt as though he was being sucked into the floor [1] [2]. While he was falling, he tried to grab onto the nearby altar for support, but he was unable to do so, as the stone altar seemed to melt through his fingers [1]. Utterly helpless, Müsler cried out desperately to God for mercy, and begged the priest to remove the Host (which he had unworthily received) from his mouth [1]. As soon as the priest removed the Host from his mouth, the ground stabilized, and many in the church noticed that the Host had begun dripping with blood [1] [2]. Sources:,%201384

  • Prophecy To Mark Mallett About The Antichrist

    May 18th, 2012 A.D. After praying before the Blessed Sacrament, Mark Mallett was given the following word from the Lord to his Church: "Children of My Heart, it is the Last Hour. As the last tears of My Mercy fall upon the earth, the new tears of My Justice begin to fall. They are both tears proceeding from My Sacred Heart, a Heart of Love. The first tears [of Mercy] call you back to Myself to purify you in My love; the second tears [of Justice] fall so as to purify the earth, and restore it in My love. And now the painful hour has come. My sons and daughters, do not bow your heads in fear, but in courage and joy, stand up and declare that you are children of the Most High. Pick up your cross and follow Me into the Glory of Eternal Life… for your resurrection comes. The tears of Justice now begin to fall, and each one will cause the earth to shake and strongholds to tremble. Jesus Christ, the True and Faithful One, comes riding upon the White Horse of Justice. Can you not hear its hooves, already shaking the earth? Beloved—do not be afraid, but raise your eyes to the skies and watch for Him who comes to strengthen you, for the hour of your Passion has come. And I will be with you; you will know and feel My presence. I will be with you. I will be with you. My children, prepare, for the hour of the Antichrist has come, and his moment will burst upon the world like a thief in the night. Remember, children, that Satan is a liar and a murderer from the beginning. Thus, the son of perdition, the true son of Satan, will copy his unholy father. He will lie at first, and then become the murderer he truly is. For your part, I will keep you safe in the Refuge of My Sacred Heart. That is, safe from his lies. You will know the truth, and thus, you will know the way to go. And he will persecute you. But I will raise you up on the last Day, while the son of perdition will be cast into the depths of the lake of fire. And know this: time is so very short, that even some of you who watch and pray will be taken by surprise. Thus, I call you again to join your heart and hands with My Mother. That is, to listen to her words and direction, and second, to pray the Most Holy Rosary that I have given you through her as a signal grace and weapon for these days. You cannot even begin to understand the power, grace, and protection I afford you through this most holy prayer, precisely because it emerges as a living flame bursting from her Immaculate Heart, leaping into the flames of My Sacred Heart. Lastly, My children, you must come out of Bablyon. You must be done with all her ways. You must cast off her chains and break her snares. In this way, I will be able to accomplish through you all I have planned from the beginning of time." Learn More:

  • The Stigmata of Saint Padre Pio

    September 20th, 1918 A.D. Early in his priesthood, Padre Pio experienced bodily marks, pain, and bleeding in locations indicative of the (not yet visible) stigmata. After mass on September 20th, 1918, Pio was offering prayers of thanksgiving and had a vision of Jesus. When the vision ended, he had received the visible stigmata on his hands, feet, and side (his wounds purportedly smelled like flowers). His stigmatism continued for 50 years, and disappeared without any trace or scar a few days before his death on September 23rd, 1968. Image from Sources:

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Weiten

    1411 A.D. A thief broke into the sacristy of a church in the town of Weiten, Austria, and slipped a consecrated Host into one of his gloves. On his journey leaving the church, his horse leapt into a gallop, causing the Host to fall out unnoticed. A few days later, a woman passing by noticed the Host glowing on the ground. She picked up the Host and noticed that it was broken into two pieces, but it was held together by threads of bleeding flesh. Learn more: Articles:,%201411

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Bois-Seigneur-Isaac

    June 5th, 1405 A.D. In the small village of Bois-Signeur-Isaac in Belgium, the Lord appeared to a man called "John of Huldenberg", and showed himself covered with His wounds. He appeared to him twice, and then on a third time, told John “Go into the Chapel of Isaac, you will find Me there.” At the same time, the priest of the parish in the village, Father Peter Ost, heard a voice instructing him to offer Mass in the Chapel, and he did so the following day. During the Mass, Father Ost noticed that a piece of consecrated Host, left from the prior Tuesday, was bleeding. The priest was mystified at what he saw, and John of Huldenberg, who had witnessed everything happen, said to the priest, “Do not fear, this marvel comes from God” and told the priest about the visions that he had been having. The Host continued to bleed on the corporal for almost a week, until the entire corporal was soaked in blood. Learn more: Articles:,%201405

  • The Eucharistic Miracle of Santarém

    February 16th, 1247 A.D. In Santarém, Portugal, a woman removed a consecrated Host from the Church of St. Steven with the intention of delivering it to a sorceress. The sorceress was planning to use it in the creation of a love potion, to help the woman overcome her troubled marriage. On the way to sorceress' house, the Host began to bleed. The woman panicked and rushed home, putting the bloody Host into the bottom of a trunk. Later in the night, the woman and her husband were awakened by bright rays of light coming from the trunk. Learn More: Articles:,%201247

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